Sailing Across the Waves...July 15th,2012 given to Grayson
Birds of a feather given to Kay 2012
began this one over six years ago and finally finished it!
This one I made for Sophia. It is called "Packy and her Posies" I gave it to her mom in March 2012.
"Guardians Outside My Window" for Ashley and Jeremy's daughter
I completed this March 2012.
I made this one for Manit's daughter in February 2012.
It features endangered animals of the Pacific Northwest.
This one I made for my grand-daughter, Jayda Hope in 2011 for her baby shower in July. Her daddy
builds and repairs firetrucks and ambulances.

This is a quilt I made a couple of years ago for a co-workers new family member, Annistyn. The pattern is one I found from Ula Lenz. She is a German paper piecing extraordinaire. Her book is called 'Miniquilts'. I took the pattern and enlarged it and added the hearts borders. I also designed the Scottish girl, Mexican boy and Hawaiian Hula girl and of course, it needed a German boy in lederhosen, to add to the international kids. I have long been a fan of "It's a small, small world". The book is in German but luckily paper piecing is an international language and I love how it turned out.
I made this darling little quilt for Melissa and Nam's little bundle of joy, Ava. I love how dainty and girly it looks and the machine quilting complemented it so well.