I took Penelope to work to show my co-worker, Jean, and Jean thinks Penelope should stay at work and bring some cheer to our shelf. While I agree she added some great color and her vibrant personality to our little corner at work, I definitely think she likes my sewing studio better.
I love the ribbon wrapped spool she put Penelope on and she put the year and PMGQ pincushion swap on the bottom. Why didn't I think of doing that on mine. She also included her business card with the pincushion and I will have to remember to include my info with any exchange I do in the future. It was so appreciated and I just never thought to include it with my pincushion.
Here is the pincushion I made to give away. I briefly met the young lady who picked mine but I know I wouldn't be able to pick her out of a crowd again. We have 175 members in our guild and about 140 to 150 seem to be active and present at each meeting. Here is the fellow I made. I had some scraps of Pendleton wool I put on the bottom. I thought it went well with my moose. I loved his tape measure antlers. The pattern for this moose can be found in Go Wild With Quilts by Margaret Wolfe. I just resized it so I could use it in a pincushion.
I finished the Snow White block tonight. It is a pattern in a series I bought from Kristy at Quiet Play. I have been wanting to find time to make them. They are all different story book characters and I love all of them. Since I have a little time to kill until the May BOMs come out I thought I would whip a couple of these out.
I did flub up on this one. It is a goof I will live with as the apple piece of the block has too many small pieces to want to do it again. Not to mention that with paper piecing the stitches are so small that it is easier to start over and I just think I can live with the goof up. See how it looks like she is tossing the apple in the palm of her hand? She is suppose to be holding it. The gray under the apple is suppose to be her fingers...oops. What I have as her fingers is suppose to be the gray. Since I figure it kind of looks like she is tossing it in her hand...maybe wondering if it is safe to eat...I decided I can live with it and the small people who receive this block in a future quilt will never even see my mistake...at least that is what I am telling myself.
Chin up and just keep stitchin'