I recently won a giveaway that Jess over at the Elven Garden was hosting. You can check out her site here.
The giveaway was being sponsored by Julie from the Intrepid Thread. What a generous and talented lady she is. Love the bundle of pure joy she sent me. You can check out her site here.
She is currently having a few giveaways to celebrate her 500th post that you will not want to miss out on. My win was 10 fat quarters of the new line from Art Gallery Fabrics called "Rhapsodia" It was right before Quilt Market and Julie let me know that one of the fabrics had sold out so she would ship it to me after Quilt Market so I could get them all and she would throw in a few solids and elements to make it up to me. Well it arrived yesterday and all I can say is "Woo Hoo". If I was a leprechaun I would be jumping up and clicking my heels in mid air like I just got a Pot of Gold! Because I feel like that is just what my mailman brought me when the package from Julie arrived. She sent not 10, not 15, but 20 fat quarters and they are supremely GORGEOUS!!! Thank you SO much Jess and Julie. Check out all this fabulous fabric: