Falling in Love with Fall
The changing of the seasons has begun and I'm already lovin' it. Been working hard on my Halloween See Saw Swap block and I am already getting in the mood to decorate for the season. Did a little fall cleaning and got out all my candles---I love burning candles all Fall!!! Not sure why I don't do it the rest of the year.
Our big reveal is in October but just have to share where it currently is in it's journey. Sharon, my partner, added the candy corn border and I loved how it looked so I shifted the color theme in that direction and am so happy with the result. Woot woot!!
Okay, for anyone keeping track, my border is going to finish at 3"---not the 2-1/2" it is suppose to be but the math was so much easier at the 1" block size...plus I'm pleased as punch with it. I knew my eye was seeing yellow as the next border but I love the random mix of color that this brings and it doesn't pull my eye away from the happy fellows that are center stage. In fact, I would swear the orange and yellow actually make me look at the orange and yellow the scarecrows are wearing. Now I swear I wish I could hide my picket fence. Oh, well still lovin' it!!!
So today with my Feelin' Fall Ya'll mood, I decided it was time for Ham and Scalloped potatoes. Featuring potatoes and onions out of our garden. So it was time time dig a few spuds up. Before I could find some spuds, I found this instead.
At least three baby bunnies hiding in their burrow in the midst of all the weeds I never got around to pulling up this year. Mommy bunny must have been in heaven with all the lettuce still in my garden. One bunny took off and we couldn't find him and two remain although in this photo you can only see one. We covered them back up and you guessed it no Scalloped Potatoes tonight. I guess I'll have to buy some potatoes until these fellas move on in about a month. They had their eyes open so we think they are about two weeks old right now.
Since I couldn't make Scalloped Potatoes and I have a craving for all things Fall right now, look what is now going to be my dinner tonight.
Don't you just love Fall???... Apple pie, candles, bunnies, scarecrows, and where is that bottle of wine???
I know it is starting early but I feel the changing season is getting off to a good start. Enjoy the day your given you never know if you'll get another. Hope that didn't come off sounding like Debbie Downer but I recently loss a close friend and co-worker --43 and Laura had a massive heart attack and she's gone in a blink of an eye-- shocks the system still. So Carpe Deim friends and where did that bottle of wine get off to now...You know I'm going to find it.
Hugs and best wishes for a great week