Thanks to the Sew Mama Sew
Day Week Giveaway this has been a fun week looking at what all my new and seasoned followers and new friends are busy doing. Your comments were very much enjoyed and I wish I could have found the time to chat with all of you. I would like to share what I gathered from all of you throughout the week. Most importantly, I am not the only crazy one with too many projects in the works. I also am very impressed with each of you who only work one or two projects and see them to completion!!! You have my envy and awe. Unfortunately, I love starting projects more than finishing them and the proof is in the numbers. I will also, share in this post what the majority of my projects ---WIPs and UFOs included are.
First off here's a little info I gathered from all your comments this week from your 253 comments:
Number of Projects per person:
1 to 2
3 to 5
6 to 9
Too Many
Number of People:
I am somewhere between 10+ to too many. For now I will claim 10+. Some of you clearly said too many. However anyone with 20 or more was also put in the too many category, also. Sorry but that's how I see it... just rest assured I am closely right there with you...OK.. OK after counting how many I have included in this post it is 21 plus 3 I can't find pictures for and didn't remember to photograph today. That is officially too many for me, too. As you can see the majority of you---74 of you--- have a nice 3 to 5 projects going on. Good job!!!
I am including a picture of most of my works in progress in this post. I say mostly because I know I have the three flimsies previously mentioned that are not included in the following pictures here. But I did blog about them here sometime but I cannot find them to share with you...sorry about that. Yes, it will be a lengthy post but I thought a lot of my followers and especially my new followers would enjoy a better accounting of what I am up to over here and let's face it...I need reminding of all these projects needing my attention too.
However, I know each of you has an even bigger yearning to know who won so I will let you know now and if you want to read the rest of the post great if not I understand you have your own list of to do's to work through, especially now that you've just shared with me what you are busy doing. So without further ado Mr Random chose comment number 233... as the lucky winner!!!
Congratulations to Joan H who said, " I have a baby quilt and and full size quilt in progress. "
Joan, I look forward to hearing from you soon ---I have emailed you---so I can get your 411 so I can get your package out to you and on it's way to your house ASAP. Congrats again on your win!!
Here's what I currently have on my present and forgotten agenda:
Mixer bowl from Kristy at
Quiet Play's Sew Kitschy BOM
May had us adding this block to our retro themed kitchen blocks.
This is a picture of the five of them made so far this year
Plus I have been keeping up so far with Janeen's In the Garden BOM from
Quilt Art Designs. This month we added a Fish Fountain to the garden. Here is how it turned out.
I've been using low volume for the background and really like how this one is turning out. Janeen's patterns are fabulous. Each of these BOM's offer the pattern for free the month they come out and you can find them for a small fee on their craftsy pages or thru their websites.
This one has had seven blocks so far. I love how the low volume background really does sink into the background and the objects bright colors are the stars of the stage.
This is the Little Tree being added to the BOM project from Cindy's
Quilt Doodle Designs this month. And pic of what I've made so far this year following her patterns each month. Each of these ladies has a flickr group and it is so fun seeing what others do with the same pattern each month.
Here is what the year has had us making in the first 5 month's of her BOM for 2014
Portland Modern Quilt Guild Medallion top. We each started with a center medallion of our choosing and add a row each month. May's addition is not on here yet...
these are a collection of Michael Miller fabrics that we are suppose to convert into any quilted project by June 23rd in the
2014 MQG fabric Challenge. Would love to find time for this. Have an idea in mind just need to get it going.
The fairy tale blocks are from Kristy at Quiet Play. She has them for sale on her
Craftsy site as a set of nine blocks---Happily Ever After Pattern Set-- that I hope to turn into a baby quilt this year.
These are 10 projects in various stages that need a little of my time and love
Dress pattern I picked up recently and some beautiful Kaffe Fassett fabric to go with it
These charms I have big plans for. I got these in a Kate Spain charm swap that I participated in a couple times and each time grabbed two spots. They are 224 of these beauties. One set will end up in a hexagon quilt, and I will also make a handbag from this pattern I bought recently at a quilt show. plus I think they will be in three additional quilt least two plus the hexagon quilt but I am hoping for three.
I have been participating in the scrappy trip block swap that
Julie from 627 Handworks puts together each quarter and these are the lovely blocks I have received so far. Round 5 is just beginning but if you are interested Round 6 sign ups begin July 1st. I am having brown, green and blue as my color choices. Since this is a scrappy trip quilt top so that is all the direction I have given the group each time. I love the darker values but am glad the lighter values are there,too and have complete faith that this will be a beauty when it is done. You can sign up for as little or as much of these as you want and each round are partnered up with 5 other people and each of them requests a block in their color choices and they each make you one in yours. It is fun getting them from all over the globe.
Plus I have the
Bertie's Year of Mini quilts that I have only made the January one so far the others are just piling up...YIKES. My
Skillbuilder 2013 blocks still needs to be quilted and sewn together, also...almost forgot about that one...It will be a beauty one day! I hope all of you can remember and find time in the days ahead for forgotten projects.
So there you have it a pretty good accounting of what I am up to at present over here. I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing about your present shenanigans this week and wish you all the best in seeing your projects through to completion but obviously won't be judging you for starting a fun new adventure along the path of sewing bliss you are set upon!!!
Thanks to all who participated in this May's Sew Mama Sew giveaway! I look forward to doing it all again in December.
Till then Keep Stitchin' and drop in for a visit anytime