Wonderful Weekend
I didn't get a ton of quilting done. I did get the three blocks I posted yesterday and I got another quilt ready to just sew the binding by hand on the back. So some things were gained on that front. Love it when a quilt gets to that stage. I will post pics of it when I finish it. What I did get done was a lot of yard work. Spring has finally arrived in the Pacific Northwest. The trees are all turning green, grass is growing and flowers are blooming---as my allergies can attest to. Finally we are past the frost stage and we got half of the garden planted today. I'd like to show you a couple of the things my husband has recently made me. First I haven't shown you the new coffee table that he finished a few weeks ago. On it you will notice my dresden block table runner. Didn't it turn out so nice? The resin has a lot of bubbles in it and will probably need to be redone at some point but that will happen some other day. Lesson learned is we won't be trying that product again. Meantime if you don't look closely it is gorgeous.

He made three wheelbarrow planters for Christmas gifts and he finally got one finished for me. I planted it a few weeks ago and it looks so cute in the front yard. He has another one ready for our cousin Kay. She is the one I am finishing the next quilt for. Her quilt is one I started about four years ago. It was before I started machine quilting them so I offered to give her the quilt top if she wanted to finish it by hand. She gave it back to me to bind about a year and a half ago. I hate binding them, too. I kept putting it off because I couldn't find the right fabric for the binding. I actually bought a print for it but hated how it looked so I just sat it on the sideburner for way too long. She is going to fall in love with her new gifts.

My moose planter that my husband just finished this weekend is my absolute fav. I bought some plants and got it all planted up today. My husband staked it to the ground because he doesn't think it would last in our frontyard even one night if it wasn't. My moose better be safe out there because he is fab-tastic.
Since I am on a roll sharing my garden joys today I have a couple more to share. Last year I made a succulent planting frame on a fence wall and wasn't sure it would survive the winter. We do have pretty mild winters here but we had our share of freezing temps as usual. I wasn't sure the succulents would survive but they did and seemed to thrive. What do you think? I am hoping to add some to the back over the next few years so the view from both sides is the same.
This little tea kettle is a garage sale find from last year. I paid 25 cents for it and had a flower pot in mind when I dragged it home. Hope your week ahead is as fan-tabulous as my Moose :)