Bloggiversary Today
Wow... A year ago today I started this blog. I started it with the intention to motivate myself to complete some long ago UFOs that are still awaiting my attention. Instead it morphed into a growing friendship with an awesome blogging community that I have fallen in love with. You have motivated me to try new things and yes, most all of what I have started with you I have finished this year!!!
I have had a blast interacting with you and getting to know some of you through your comments and participating with you through swaps , blog hops , emails, and following many of you through your blogs! What wonderful inspiration you have all offered me this year. As a thank you for following my journey this year I am offering up 7 fat quarters to one lucky follower.
To enter the giveaway just leave a comment on this post letting me know you are a follower (old, new, yellow or blue). I love you all. That's it ... easy peasy. I will have Mr Random choose a winner on Friday, January 4th and will email the winner once he does. Please make sure you are not a no reply blogger so I have a way to contact you. If you are not sure you can leave your email address in your comment post in this format:
username at service dot com (or net) for example mine would be
kacagang at comcast dot net
Looking forward to another great year ahead. The New Year always find me contemplating what lies ahead.
- I am currently finishing up the Quilt U Be Mine swap ( ends in Feb)
- awaiting my swap blocks from the Christmas block swap from Aunt Pitty Pat's group
- and needing to start designing my Zetti blocks for Rebecca's Quilt due in August. I have been buying fabric like crazy for it and think I have enough to get going on it.
- I also will be participating in the Skill Builder BOM at Pile Of Fabric . Check out the awesome quilt we will be making. Best of all it is free and a QAYG project, too.
- Another free BOM, I will be participating in is the one Kristy over a Quiet Play is providing this year through her Craftsy shop. It will all be paper pieced blocks ( my fav ) and will be all sewing themed blocks.